2022 round up and Christmas gift experiences

We’ve gone from a scorching summer to wrapped up indoors with a hat on! Beautiful shiny stained glass creative making has continued throughout all weather.

Book as a gift experience for family, friend’s or a loved one, or treat yourself to new skill in the New Year.

Information and booking

Come and learn the creative art of Stained Glass or Copper Foiling in my cosy studio, yep despite being in an old grade 2 listed Mill building, it has heating in the studios (and it looks cool!). Different workshops to chose from, suitable for beginners, does involve standing at a work bench and using hands. All glass and materials, tools, aprons and goggles, with plenty of teas, coffees & biscuits and general bonhomie included.

And now for some pictures of what people have been creating through November and December.

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New Year 2021 – wishing for creative fun

 New Year workshops dates starting in February 2021 

Novembers workshops were postponed, most people have had their workshops re-scheduled to February and March 2021, but there is still plenty of places for people to book onto or buy as Christmas gifts. 

I do have one space on the Introduction to Copper Foiling workshop on the 12th December, which has a Christmas theme, do contact me for more info.  (this workshop has been limited to two spaces only)

Links for more information on Workshops below:

Introduction to Copper Foiling: one day workshop

Stained glass for beginners weekend workshops

In the meantime I am having some fun creating a stained glass honey-comb with the Manchester bee design, along with a few Christmas decorations. I’m especially enjoying the iridescent glass!

Exceptional Times

Whilst the world is on hold, and we wait in self isolation to hopefully slow down the virus and give the NHS a fighting chance…

Lets look at some of the recent creations from workshops, courses and those who have carried on at home. Help keep our spirits up, maybe inspire each other to create and make, whilst I wait to re-schedule post-phoned workshops and courses.

I am starting to re-orientate how to precede with work and life in general.  Usually Artists are quite good at lateral thinking, but this, as for many, is being quite a challenge.  Talk about bringing communities together in shared experience. 

It was almost funny discovering this Tuesday  lunchtime that the studio would close by 6pm having just had word that someone wanted a commission, Yay and Ooh!  I tried to decide in a short space of time whether I should attempt to set up a home studio or not (space issue’s, free roaming cat Dr Seuss).  I rushed around, my brain in muddy confusion, collecting tools and a choice of glass together, squishing it  into my small car. How much and what glass and lead would I need… long is a piece of string type question.  I decided to problem solve the lack of space, workbench and cat later, one problem at a time. Today is Saturday, I have a wee home studio, bench as well, set up and ready to go! My hope is I can take small commissions, depending on the suppliers still open online….watch this space or send me an email if interested. 

I hope this slide show will  keep those creative juices flowing. Do email any lovely pictures of stained glass and copper foiling you have recently made or are making, I will post them onto the Facebook page to keep us all going.

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Exhibition – Museum of Journeys in a Chest of Drawers.

A Museum of Journeys in a Chest of Drawers – Looking Beyond the Stereotypes.

Some of you may have heard me talk about the community art work I do and in particular the above project I have been working on with artist Rachel Ramchurn. Excitingly the exhibition opens next week Saturday!

Preview 12pm -3.30pm Saturday 29th February. Hosted by Arc centre and inside the Hatworks Museum Wellington Mill, Wellington Rd South, Stockport SK3 0EU

A participative and interactive art project, including stories and artworks from participants at Arc Stockport and Global Sistaz United Nottingham.

“Look inside the chest of drawers and discover stories from two seemingly different groups of people. Will you recognise yourself in the stories told?”

This exhibition hopes to share the stories of what unites us as humans during a time of political, social and cultural divide.

Share your story at the end with our poem-making machine. Do any of the words resonate with you?

It will be lovely to see some of you there. The exhibition preview is running alongside Arc’s Saturday Family art club 11.30am -4pm.

Below is a sneak preview and some of the art works in progress.

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Continues to show Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am – 4pm until 17th April 2020.

Christmas Gifts and AWOL ICE

Christmas Gift experiences in Stained glass and ICE at AWOL Studios, Hope Mill Ancoats.

With the importance of less waste and changing the way we consume goods, being at the forefront of our minds, buying less ‘stuff’ and locally is the thing to do now.  I don’t feel too bad saying please buy local from makers and artists this Christmas. There is a host of exciting workshop experiences out there, where one takes home not only a beautiful creation but a lovely memory that lasts.

Why not look at the workshops and courses I run as gifts for someone this Christmas. I still have spaces   Introduction to Copper Foiling workshop   Stained glass for beginners weekend workshops   Evening and Daytime classes     Do have a look and please do feel free contact me and ask questions.

The workshops I run are based at AWOL Studio’s in Hope Mill Ancoats Manchester, where a few of us Artists who teach and run workshops have pulled together to create ICE’, ‘independent Creative Educators’. “We offer unique creative experiences in a Unique Grade 2* listed venue – Hope Mill. So far we you can try, drawing, painting, crafts, photography, stained glass with other culturally creative activities coming soon. We are are group of artists who are proud to embrace the independent spirit of a creative Manchester.

Check us out, maybe buy a workshop for that someone special or for yourself, we all deserve down time to be creative. Follow us on Instagram @iceawolarts watch out for open days and see what we are up too. Thanks for reading

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